diagnostic clarity

A psychological evaluation is an in-depth process that utilizes standardized tests, clinical interviews, and observations to comprehensively assess an individual's cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, personality traits, and behaviors. Going beyond a typical therapy session, psychological testing gathers objective data and insights into a person's psychological makeup and needs.

There are many reasons one might seek out or be referred for psychological testing. It is commonly used to accurately diagnose conditions like depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and learning disabilities. Testing can also provide clarity around undefined struggles with mood, thinking, or behaviors. The evaluation results offer guidance on optimal treatment approaches and support for an individual. Assessments determine if there are any cognitive delays or developmental needs as well. Furthermore, testing screens for personal strengths and weaknesses to inform decision-making and evaluate changes in psychological functioning over time.

treatment guidance

When conducted by a qualified professional, psychological assessments have many potential benefits. The use of reliable clinical instruments enables accurate diagnosis of disorders, allowing for greater understanding and targeted treatment. Test results give guidance for individualized care, therapy, and intervention plans tailored to the person. For students, testing identifies academic, cognitive, and developmental needs to guide school services and accommodations. Evaluations also provide objective data to inform medication and dosing choices. Testing can be conducted for legal and court purposes, assessing competency, risk, and parenting abilities to guide proceedings. Additionally, individuals can gain meaningful personal insights into their own cognitive and emotional landscape through psychological testing. Overall, if lingering questions remain about your mental health status, a psychological evaluation may offer the objective clarity needed to access appropriate care and move forward in your life.

What Can Be Diagnosed With A Psychological Evaluation?


attention concerns

obsessive-compulsive disorder

personality disorders

depression and mood

trauma and stress related


Book a free consultation
(617) 249-4466

251 Central Park West, 1A
New York, NY 10024